Sunday, January 31, 2010

The "Onew Complex"

Warning, do not take this lightly. This is a serious condition. Symptoms consist of fawning, procrastination, utmost admiration, and uncontrollable sighing. The Cure? None. So far, it seems that we are doomed to fall into a deep abyss of nothing but seeking and following said subject 'till the end whist detaching ourselves from reality with nothing to stare at but the glaring bright screen of YouTube, Allkpop, Google images, etc. This ladies and gentlemen, is what I call...The Onew Complex.

I'm just kidding! However it is true that Lee Jinki - or better known as Onew, leader of the shining boy band appropriately named Shinee - has captured the many hearts of women and girls (perhaps even guys) all over Asia, the U.S. and not to mention my little humble abode. There's no question that he is indeed one of the Kpop industries' most popular idols, for he currently ranks 6th as stated in the most recent Maknae's Rebellion. But what is it about Onew that instantly draws us fans towards him. It's not as if he's insanely sexy, or has a hot body (though I do wonder if Onew is like Jo Kwon in this case, suddenly revealing that he has chocolate abs LOL). Yet there's this essence that he seems to emit in every performance or appearance he makes, whether it's on stage or on a variety show, that results in thousands and thousands of fans swooning for him. So what exactly is it about Onew?

Taking the liberty to analyze the issue at hand, I was able to pick up some noticeable traits. 

                                          Number 1: His smile...
  •  It's doubtful that anyone can resist him when he smiles. It's...dare I say...infectious. Just one look alone makes you want to sigh and grin right along with him. 
                                          Number 2: His silliness/awkwardness...
  • Better known as "The Onew Condition", I say this is what makes him different from all the other idols. He can be funny, without intentionally trying to be. Just the way he behaves is so cute! He's a natural. (I highly suggest watching Hello Baby by the way, Onew was the funniest to watch :] ).
                                           Number 3: His cuteness...
  •  I know I already mentioned that he's cute, but it wasn't enough. He's just too cute! (Is the possible?) Currently I'm on a strict diet consisting of no fried food, but Onew is making it all too tempting.
                                   Number 4: The fact that he looks good in anything...
  •  You know, I take back my statement before about Onew not being sexy, on the account that the first picture, he's actually pretty hot haha. But yeah, give him a blazer, trench, skinny pants, vests, you name it, he can pull it off. Hey, he's already looking really good in glasses.
Now there's one important thing we can't forget... his voice, the quality of him that makes the noonas fall even harder. His voice which completes his image is perfect. He doesn't have a wide vocal range like his fellow member Jonghyun, who can reach 4 octaves, but it's unique. There's something special about his voice that soothes us.

Honestly, I could list all the reasons why we like Onew so much, but I fear it'll take almost an entire page of this blog.

Let's face it, Onew has captured our hearts. He's in one word...ideal.