Sunday, February 14, 2010

Et tu, Sun Mi?

Ah...The Wondergirls, the reason I got sucked into KPOP to begin with. Just look at them, they've got it all, charisma, talent, looks, the whole package. But...looking at this picture, I can't help but get an empty feeling from it. There's something wrong about it. What exactly is missing? Oh...none other but the 4-dimensional Sun Mi. There's no doubt that the circling rumors and articles about Sun Mi leaving are true, however, seeing this picture sucker punched me into the harsh reality that Sun no more. HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING??! First this.

*sigh* It weird, after a successful tour in America which seemed to last forever, the news came that they would be returning to Korea. But who would have thought that they'd be returning without their other main vocal? Ayeeeee....I know I should be a good fan and support her decisions...but what good fan would be able to let this go with a smile *insert thousands of crying emoticons*

What is Wondergirls without Sun Mi?? Honestly she added a lot to the group, her vocals, her weirdness, she just had this bright personality that I don't think any girl will be able to replace. Not only that...BUT what is So Hee without Sun Mi!! What's gonna happen to my MiSo coupling! I just think that So Hee is gonna be even more awkward without her fellow maknae with her. Noooo.....MiSo!!! I know that Hyuna left before, but truth be told, Hyuna did better in a more edgy concept. Sun Mi however, was a wonder girl! 

Well nothing that can be done now but wait. Hopefully the rumors that JYP will bring Sun Mi back or that Sun Mi will return by herself. Honestly I have no problem with the 6 member issue, I just want my quirky idol back. Nothing left to say but...