Tuesday, August 3, 2010


How can we explain the elated feeling that we get when one Ahn Sohee graces the camera with her presence. The sense of awe that we are watching a true star. Appropriately named, this phenomenon can only be explained as... sogasm. It's so brilliantly coined that it should be universally adopted as a human expression. Happy, sad, angry, sogasmic:

"Sogasm - n. The emotional sensation at an instance when viewing Sohee of Wondergirls."

 It's freaking sogasology! Now, you may think I'm getting carried away, and you would be fairly right saying I'm borderline obsessed. Hear me out, ask anyone to name the first Wondergirl - considering the person you're asking know who they are - that pops into their head. I GUARANTEE you that at least 6 out of 10 people will name Sohee. Why though? Sure her vocals aren't the best, and she should try harder during live performances, and lets face it, she's just not that engaged in variety shows. However we can't help but to watch her anyways! Because it's the little things about her that draw us in, and I shall point out these things.....in list form!

  1. "Mandoo" Sohee: Yes! In all her adorableness, her dumpling cheeks are love! G.O.O.D luv!

         2. Her undeniable sexiness...oh gawd....yea, Sun Mi, perfect example of a Sogasm ;)

sohee Pictures, Images and Photos
         3. Her cold exterior that no one seems to take seriously, and why would we?? It's absolutely cute! Even her annoyed expressions or "I don't care" gestures make us giggle and "awww" all at the same time.

sexy sohee Pictures, Images and Photos

       4. And let's face it, she's a good dancer and looks hella cute/sexy when she does.

I'm going to end it there, if I go on any longer I just might have to change the theme of my blog to be all about Sohee. Some restraint is good for the soul...now if you don't mind, I have some "google imaging" to do...

Damn tease.....

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