Sunday, May 2, 2010

AJ Doesn't Like His Shirt

After careful and diligent observations, I have come to the conclusion that B2ST member Gi Kwang "AJ" prefers not to cover up. Honestly though who's complaining? Certainly not the crazy fan girls. They love it! They drool over it! Hell, they'd sniff it if they could! Believe it or not though there are skeptics out there...and I think this calls for a visual aid. Warning the evidence could lead to uncontrollable nose bleeds and spontaneous "O" faces....

                                   Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya dada!

whoa whoa wait, what is this?! AJ is clearly expressing some discomfort here. Where are those fangirls with those scissors, we need them here AHORA!

What, there are still skeptics? Well I don't think so...ready for the kill shot? Proceed forward...


Is there anything NOT right about this? You even get tongue action. Hmm Ding ding mail's here, oop I think this deserves a bloody fan letter professing their love. 

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